
Clarence Farm Services Ltd. has a long history of providing high-quality Purina poultry feeds for commercial and backyard poultry flocks. We design and manufacture rations for broilers (meat birds), turkeys, and laying hens.
We can support you in selecting the correct Purina feeding program for your flock. Whether a commercial turkey flock or a backyard layer program, Clarence Farm Services Ltd. and Cargill Animal Nutrition Canada can provide you with high-quality Purina products, programs, and services.
Poultry Services
- Poultry specialist covering all areas of Atlantic Canada
- Access to Cargill Animal Nutrition technicians
- Poultry feeds created for all ages and stages of poultry production
- Assistance in feed selection and growth monitoring
- Perform barn audits to identify opportunities to improve profitability
- Scripts provide for rotation of Coccidiostat and Necrotic Enteritis treatment
- Automatic feed delivery with email notification of delivery
- Supply producer with end of flock reports
- Services provided with adherence to bio security protocol
- Poultry specialist covering all areas of Atlantic Canada
- Access to Cargill Animal Nutrition technicians
- Poultry feeds created for all ages and stages of poultry production
- Assistance in feed selection and review grade-out reports
- Perform barn audits to identify opportunities to improve profitability
- Help set and adjust light intensity
- Monitor average daily feed intake, on a load by load basis
- Ensure good shell quality as feed intake varies adjust minerals
- Services provided with adherence to bio security protocol
Poultry Feeds
Commercial Turkey Feeds
Optimize Your Poultry's Diet with these Tips
Follow sound management practices along with optimal preventative veterinary medicine. These recommendations are intended as a guide. They should be adjusted to variables of management, environment, and individual needs. If necessary, consult your Purina Dealer or Purina Certified Consultant.
- Keep all types of poultry separately (i.e.: turkeys and broilers)
- Practice strict sanitation protocols
- Ensure wild fowl do not have access to the pens/barn
- Provide clean potable water at all times
- Supply consistent supplemental heat for chicks for the first 14 days (as they can’t self regulate their own body temperatures until then)